Sunday, October 18, 2009


It is, to be sure, a matter not to be discussed even in the most discreet of company. I had an intimate appreciation of this fact, being the esteemed sir’s confidant. Knowing this you can imagine how my cheeks flushed red with a kind of shock as I heard myself revealing his secret to his wife.
That we were in bed together at the time is no excuse. It is an unspoken agreement of people of a certain distinction that one won’t reveal these little embarrassments under any circumstances, sober or no, especially not to the mans wife for God sakes.
That she did not have a prior knowledge, that she showed no giggles of comprehension when I hinted at the good sir’s peculiarity, this is what made me do it. She must know, I thought. When it became apparent she did not I had an overwhelming desire to tell, to watch her high arched eyebrows rise perhaps even higher and see her thoroughbred nose flair in a high spirited sign of surprise.
I did not expect her high pitched shriek, her distorted and mad facial expressions. These things transformed her into a kind of ogre hyena lady. She howled like a she-banshee shattering the glass face on the clock. She jerked her head back violently and let her tongue protrude, gagging her and pointing straight up at the ceiling. She lurched and clutched and convulsed and spat. Her hair turned gray, then white, then fell out. Her gleaming bald head shook with rage and her eyes went bright red and dripped blood. She began to frantically gnaw on her hands.
“Calm yourself my dear,” I implored her. “You are making yourself unseemly”
………..I have no idea where to go with this………………..

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About Me

I do organic gardening. I am a building manager. I like fresh pesto and some other things about life. I make blogs for fiction writing classes.


