Sunday, September 13, 2009

week three. the begining of a quest

Billy was awake before the sun came up. He looked out of his new bedroom window at the barn. It was huge, peeling red paint and a sagging roof. He looked at the tree branches, cracked spider legs scraping against the side of it. He hated the country. Why did his parents have to move? There were noises all the time out here. Not like the soothing drone of traffic in the city that put him to sleep at night. These were weird noises, quite bleating and scrapings, Creepy bleating and scrapings.
The first day of school would start in a few hours. A new school, with new kids. He would never tell his mom this, no matter how many times she asked, but Billy missed Sam. Sam had lived across the street since before Billy could remember. Sam had three older sisters and two fat parents who laughed a lot. Chris and Jill, they had said, call us by our first names ‘cause we aint no mister or missus. Billy would go over to there white stucco house with vines on the walls every day after school. They would trade baseball cards; they would build forts in the back yard.
Billy looked out of the window and swallowed. He didn’t want to cry. He was in fifth grade, fifth grade boys don’t cry, even if they really really want to. 6:45. Mom will be awake soon. Then breakfast, then, Billy swallowed again.
The barn had one window. It was centered right above the big double door and it didn’t have any shutters. It looked a little like there was a greenish light coming from it. Billy looked a little closer. Yes, there was definitely a greenish light coming from it. Probably some weird piece of farming equipment had been left on in there. Billy went to slip on his tennis shoes. Then he stopped. He just had a feeling. He dug out a box from under the bed and tore it open. Inside the box there was a signed picture of Kirby Pucket, a bag full of small stones, three pieces of leather string, and a ratty looking pair of shoes. They were Sam’s pair of luck shoes, he had given them to Billy the day Billy moved.
Billy tied the shoes and put on his baseball cap. He tiptoed down the stairs, walking on the very edge of them, right next to the wall so they wouldn’t creek. He wondered what he would find out in the barn. Probably something old and dumb….

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About Me

I do organic gardening. I am a building manager. I like fresh pesto and some other things about life. I make blogs for fiction writing classes.


